Calculation contexts give you more control over how a formula or measure is evaluated. To understand calculation contexts, you need to be familiar with basic report concepts.
A report contains two kinds of objects:
dimensions - which are types of data about your business that can have measures associated with them (for example: products, years, states)
measures - that you can calculate in relation to dimensions (for example: sales revenue, number of sales).
For example, a report could show sales revenue (a measure) by year (a dimension). In this case the sales revenue results are calculated by year.
The important thing to remember about measures is that they are semantically dynamic. This means that the results returned by a measure depend on the dimension(s) with which the measure is associated. In other words, the results returned by a measure depend on the context in which the measure is placed.
WebIntelligence calculates measures according to default contexts depending on where the measures appear in a report. However, you can change these default contexts. This is what is meant by defining the calculation context. You define the calculation context by including context_operators and context_keywords (Report, Section, Break, Block and Body) in your formulas.
A calculation has an input context and an output context. You can specify neither, either or both explicitly. The input context is the set of dimensions used to make the calculation. The output context is a set of dimensions that functions like a break in the calculation - it causes the calculation to output values as if they are calculated in the footer of a table break (or an SQL COMPUTE BY clause).
The final column in the table below is calculated as follows:
calculation - minimum
input context - year, quarter
output context - year
This combination of input and output contexts tells Web Intelligence to sum the revenue for each year/quarter combination (the dimensions used to make the calculation), then output the minimum such value in each year ( the value that appears in the break footer if the table contains a break on Year and a minimum calculation in the break footer).
Year | Quarter | Product | Revenue | Minimum |
2005 | Q1 | Product 1 | 10000 | 41000 |
2005 | Q1 | Product 2 | 15000 | 41000 |
2005 | Q1 | Product 3 | 16000 | 41000 |
2005 | Q2 | Product 1 | 17000 | 41000 |
2005 | Q2 | Product 2 | 17000 | 41000 |
2005 | Q2 | Product 3 | 16000 | 41000 |
2006 | Q1 | Product 1 | 14000 | 33000 |
2006 | Q1 | Product 2 | 15000 | 33000 |
2006 | Q1 | Product 3 | 16000 | 33000 |
2006 | Q2 | Product 1 | 12000 | 33000 |
2006 | Q2 | Product 2 | 11000 | 33000 |
2006 | Q2 | Product 3 | 10000 | 33000 |
This is how the calculation looks when made explicit in a table:
Year | Quarter | Revenue |
2005 | Q1 | 41000 |
2005 | Q2 | 50000 |
| Min: | 41000 |
2006 | Q1 | 45000 |
2006 | Q2 | 33000 |
| Min: | 33000 |
In Web Intelligence formula syntax, this can be expressed as either
Min ([Revenue] In ([Year];[Quarter])) In ([Year])
Min ([Revenue] ForAll ([Product])) In ([Year])
The input context appears inside the function parentheses and the output context appears after the function parentheses. The set of dimensions in each context is itself enclosed in parentheses and the dimensions separated by semi-colons.
You use the context operators In, ForEach and ForAll to set up input and output contexts. You can also use context keywords to specify the data referenced in the contexts.
For more information, please download the manual from and read chapter 3 - Understanding calculation contexts.
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